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Booking It To The Finish Line


Busy, busy and busier. That has been my plate for the last while. I have finally finished all the illustrations and the file is ready to go to upload I Am Going Camping with Dad. I am trying two different places to publish my book. Ingram Spark and Amazon. I am hoping to get my book into brick and Mortar stores and libraries as well as amazon, apple books, Barnes and Noble. I have learned

a lot from publishing my first book. The main thing I learned is that I need my own isbn and thanks to my fellow Canadian indie author Danielle Paquette Harvey I learned exactly where to go to do that. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Danielle writes adult fantasy romance books and if you are a parent reading this blog you can check her out on Instagram @daniellephauthor.

I made a new trailer for I Am Going Camping With Dad. It is my first experience trying animation. I only hope to get better. It was a large learning curve; but I am impressed at what I was able to do with my first attempt. Learning to make almost identical character images with pencil and paper was daunting. I don’t have a table and Procreate to do my art. It's all the old-fashioned way of drawing and then colouring with marker and pencil. I had to learn to remove backgrounds for free, which is more tricky than paying a premium on an app. ( I'm an indie author; those apps aren’t in the budget). I used iMovie to make the trailer and to explain how time consuming it is, every character is a layer. I created the first layer with the sassy trailblazer, the backgrounds and some of the sounds. Then I had to make edits and cuts for time length. Then the file was downloaded and re- uploaded to add another character or object. It took 3 long days and frustrations for a 1 minute trailer. But that’s ok. I learned a lot. I know there are other more friendly programs, but again I am using what is free on an indie authors budget.

The book trailer will be posted on this website soon. I am just focused on getting the book uploaded so I can announce a release date.

The website activities for I Am Going Camping with Dad are about half way done. I will be continuing those today. I will have finger puppets that can be coloured, an interactive book bingo, 2 puzzles, learn to write camp words and camp recipe cards. So you can look forward to those in the coming weeks.

The production of the “I Am Going” YouTube program is on pause for a very short period of time. I needed to put all my time and energy into getting the book launched, so production will resume this summer.

Have decided to try having a launch team for the release of “I Am Going Camping With Dad”! Please let me know if you are interested in joining the launch team. Participants receive a free paperback copy of I Am Going Camping With Dad. Their name also goes into a draw to win a free copy of I Am Going Camping With mom. Being a part of a launch team gets you other goodies related to the book and an invite to the private virtual launch party. If you are not sure what you need to do as part of a launch party, I’ll explain. You agree to write a review on Amazon and Good Reads during the launch week. You post a photo of yourself, your children or students on social media with the book and tag me with the post. You share photos related to promoting the book and the book trailer on social media and spread the word about the book to others. So you are helping me spread the word about the book. Word of mouth and book reviews help me out so much and that is why I don’t mind giving a free copy of the book to those in exchange for the help. My goal is to reach 50 reviews, so amazon starts to do their part and help me out.

As always this journey is one step forward and then a sharp zig zag to the left and then another to the right. I promise I am working to get this book available. As always thank you for being a part of my journey and supporting an indie author.

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