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Inspiration Island


Going to Vancouver Island this summer was one of the best decisions I ever made. I had hit a point of burn out. Many months ago, I made the decision to go on a trip to Vancouver Island to meet an author friend. If you aren’t familiar with her, her author name is M.K Wood. She is the author of the middle grand children’s series, “Piper’s Pond”. She was just the person I needed to show me how to reclaim my peace and visiting her made our friendship even stronger. We laughed, cried and made the most of every moment.

I was able to explore locations for upcoming writing projects. Being somewhere in person versus googling it gives you a whole new perspective. You can use all your senses to engulf yourself in your story versus the limited screen shots on the internet. Touch, feel, smell, depth perception, and added inspiration by exploring more than you planned. A week simply wasn’t enough for the visit, but did I ever leave inspired.

I was able to do some research for answers I had been struggling to find for the second Winnipeg the Witch story. I was able to get ideas for a fantasy story I had been plotting, created new characters for future stories and see love in its truest form. Love in the form of appreciation, respect, a connection of souls which should be the foundation of every relationship to let us once again believe that happily ever after does exist.

I was able to put aside my biases and go into things with a willingness to try new experiences. I actually learned from situations and experiences with a perspective of an open mind. And yes, I discovered a lot about myself too. I discovered I am far more capable than I have given myself an opportunity to know. I also believe in a refreshed drive after truly getting out of your own way. So many times in life, I have had an excuse to not do what I want and not get out of my own comfort zone. Every time I get out of my comfort zone, I improve and grow.

I believe future trips to meet my closest author friends and trips that inspire writing are going to be my way. The world is vast and beautiful and provides so many places to have an adventure. The world is a story waiting to happen. A true friend is the greatest gift we must not take for granted. True friends are blessings. My author friends understand this journey, as they have walked the mile. Thank you M.K Wood for the memories of a lifetime. Please follow her @madonna4th on instagram and check out her stories available on Amazon.

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